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Welcome to our site!

Our passion is raising and training quality working dogs.  Please take your time perusing the dogs, details about their pedigree, and all of the photos.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to send us a message or email.


I can look back to gathering a large pasture. We’d been out for a few hours. Jewel hadn’t been seen for a while. She was always around though. A ridge or two away, bringing up a few strays. Then we rounded the corner trailing about 15 pairs, and right at the fork in the road was Jewel, sending everything right to the corrals. This was the day I really appreciated what a dog could be. It was at this moment that I knew I wanted to raise some quality ranch hands.

It’s a family affair. Raising good dogs isn’t just something I am passionate about. It’s something my family is passionate about. I use the dogs as an opportunity to help the children learn responsibility, lessons in investing, and that hard work pays off. We are raising something for the future.